
Importance of Mindfulness

Mindfulness is simply about being present in the moment, observing our thoughts and emotions without judgment and without allowing our thoughts and feelings to dictate our actions. It is an investment of time, effort, and energy. Being mindful is fundamental to several faiths, including   Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islamic, Jewish and Taoist teachings. Mindfulness is a mental practice unrelated to any specific religion. Mindfulness is not meditation. Meditation is just one mindfulness practice.  It is a mindset, a lifestyle, an integral part of your every day.

IKIGAI – A Reason for Being

IKIGAI is a wonderful Japanese concept that essentially means “A Reason for Being.” It refers to having a direction or purpose in life, that which makes one’s life worthwhile, and towards which an individual takes spontaneous and willing actions giving them satisfaction and a sense of meaning to life.

Results of Initiatives

Some years ago, three brothers left the farm to work in the city. They were all hired by the same company at the same pay. Three years later, Jim was being paid $500 a month, Frank was receiving $1,000, but George was now making $1,500.Their father decided to visit the employer.

Top 10 Smart Skills for Students

To stand out in this competitive world, a student is required to hone many skills and abilities which is not a one-day job. A student needs to carve out these skills by practising every day and this takes a long time. These skills will be helpful not just in schools and colleges, but also in building a lucrative professional career

An eye opener- Carpenter’s House

An elderly carpenter was ready to retire. He told his employer- contractor of his plans to leave the house building business and live a more leisurely life with his wife enjoying his extended family.He would miss the paycheck, but he needed to retire. They could get by.The contractor was sorry to see his good worker go and asked if he could build just one more house as a personal favor.

Importance of Discipline at Work

Discipline is our ability to exercise control our behavior and emotions. This is a very important soft skill to carry out our work smoothly. We may have number of certificates, diplomas and degrees . But without discipline we are zero. While at work or at home maintaining discipline is very important to attain our successful life.At work please try to follow all house rules. Maintain positive relationships with others. Avoid arguments and refrain from fighting. Develop “ I CAN DO” mentality.

Spiritual Intelligence ( SI)

SI ( spiritual intelligence) is positively based on the individual’s spiritual capacity which directly influence his/ her personal and professional life. Spirituality is not a religion. It is our inner belief to ourselves and towards others. Spirituality give us inner peace, tranquility and serenity which drive us to the success in our life by attaining self esteem and confidence.

About fast food culture

In this fast moving world we do not have enough time to spend for our daily needs. At this juncture people are running behind solutions for time saving. Take for instance as food preparation. Housewives are trapped in kitchen. No time to concentrate on children’s studies or house keeping. At the same time please note the hazardous causes to your health.

About thinking ability

Thinking gives us novel ideas. Creative thinking makes our life successful by abandoning our old way of slow pace thinking and attaining high speed thinking which enhances quick decision making. You may be disappointed tomorrow if you think the same way today as yesterday. Hence we have to unleash the power of thinking different ANGLES within ourselves. This is called innovative thinking which gives us power to solve any type of problems in our life.

Emotional Intelligence VS Intelligence Quotient

Intelligence Quotient ( IQ) is the mental ability of one individual and with this ability alone can not drive the leaders to the achievement of their goals. In a working environment the leaders must have both qualities EI and IQ.In short an individual without EI is positively handicapped in connection with effectiveness for he or she is ignorant about the social emotions

Importance of Knowledge Management

Knowledge management is not a technology but it is based on technology. In order to optimize the work performance, growing organizations must define knowledge management strategies as well as performance management strategies. And also the importance of continuous learning programs with in the organization.It is extremely important that knowledge is properly disseminated among all members of the staff in a working environment.

Professionalism and Competency in our life

Whenever there is maturity and carefulness in our life then we find professionalism and competency in all areas of our personal, professional and social life. This is an ordinary skill or talent which can be practiced by any layman. Everybody is nerve-racking about the current problems elsewhere arround us. But nobody is thinking about solutions to tackle the problems.It is wise to think about the solutions rather than worrying about the problems.

Are you a successful individual ?

Please analyze your life. Can you say that you are a successful individual and you have attained all your life goals. If not, you can. Please take a look at the life historties of former American president Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Ghandhi , the father of India and mother of destitutes, Mother Theresa etc.

My Friendly Enemy

You pick me up,You put me down,I’m controlled by your desire.
You’ve made me friends,You’ve caused me fights,I’ve even been your liar.No solitude when you’re around,No bitterness or tears,Cause and solution to my struggles,Both creating and easing fears.I’ve even been your liar.

Concentration and Attention

1st year students of MBBS were attending their 1st anatomy class. They all gathered around the surgery table with a real dead dog. The Professor started class by telling two important qualities as a Doctor.
The 1st is that NEVER BE DISGUSTED FOR ANYTHING ABOUT BODY, e.g. He inserted his finger in dog’s mouth & on drawing back tasted it in his own mouth.Then he said them to do the same.The students hesitated for several minutes.But eventually everyone inserted their fingers in dog’s mouth & then tasted it.

A Little Praise

A boy in London made his living as a sales clerk in a goods store. Everyday he would get up at 5 in the morning to face the same 14 hours of work. He would have to sweep, clean, and work for those 14 hours, all while simultaneously hating it. But one morning he woke and decided he could not take it anymore.He walked 15 miles to his mother’s workplace that morning. In his plea to his mother to end his work at the goods store he stated he would kill himself if he had to work any longer. He knew it wasn’t for him, and he hated the work.

How can we face challenges

The Japanese have a great liking for fresh fish. But the waters close to Japan have not held many fish for decades. So, to feed the Japanese population, fishing boats got bigger and went farther than ever. The farther the fishermen went, the longer it took to bring back the fish. The longer it took them to bring back the fish, the stale they grew. The fish were not fresh and the Japanese did not like the taste.

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